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Introducing rapidSMS

by | Apr 16, 2020

Today we are happy to announce an exciting new feature for all of our monitoring customers: rapidSMS.

This new service is provided to our customers through our monitoring partner Rapid Response.

What is rapidSMS?

Our partners at Rapid Response describe it best:

“rapidSMS is a service that notifies customers instantly of an alarm, providing an app-like experience via a text message. It allows the recipient to make critical decisions in real-time and take action quickly. No app is required and all mobile devices are fully supported.”

How does rapidSMS benefit me?

Basically, this new service gives you the ability make decisions regarding your alarm in real-time — you don’t need to download or install special software or apps — and it works with any mobile device. We’ve also noticed that the majority of the contacts on our monitoring call list prefer to contacted via text message rather than by phone.

Finally, most of our customers have their mobile devices with them at all times — either on their person, or very close by. This makes advanced SMS messaging an extremely effective and incredibly efficient method of communication during critical moments.

How does rapidSMS benefit the community?

False alarms are very common problem for law enforcement.

A large percentage of false dispatches are caused by the inability of monitoring centers to reach contacts call list who can verify whether there’s a need to send police, fire, or medical first responders.

“Over the past five years, we have seen the percentage of calls answered by contacts on a call list drop to an average of 30%,” says Spencer Moore, vice president of sales & marketing for Rapid Response Monitoring. This means multiple calls have to be made and critical time is wasted, resulting in unnecessary dispatches.”

These types of situation cause a significant financial burden to our first responders.

During these difficult times, a false dispatches can create an unnecessary chance for injury as first responders respond quickly to emergency situations, but also divert valuable manpower away from other potential crises that where their presence could be needed.

How do I get enrolled in rapidSMS?

Current TKS monitoring customers will be automatically enrolled, and receive an introductory text message from rapidSMS on Monday, April 20th.

How do I use rapidSMS?

rapidSMS is easy to use, works with any mobile device, and doesn’t require any additional software of applications.

Check out the video below to and learn how easy rapidSMS is to use:

Moving Forward Together

We’re here to help! It’s our goal as your security partner to keep you up-to-date with the best security and life safety solutions and and we’re incredibly excited to be able to share this exiting new feature with all of you!

If you have any questions about rapidSMS or any of our other products or services, please contact us today!

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