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COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Readiness Statement

by | Mar 6, 2020

COVID-19 Readiness statement – Release 3/6/2020

Traverse City, Michigan


COVID-19 Readiness statement – Release 3/6/020

Dear valued TKS customers, family and friends- 

As you all may be aware, the Coronavirus (Covid-19) is affecting businesses and industry in some ways due to some changes in public gatherings and some travel. We at TKS would like to share a couple important messages with you.

1) If there are any travel restrictions or closures, TKS will be able to operate and function without disruption of services. We can continue to operate at full capacity even in case of temporary or even long-term office closings. Our staff is able and prepared to adapt to any changes to physical locations, if required. This is due to in part, to our established disaster-readiness policies which we already have in place. We also utilize many state-of-the-art cloud-based, secure, operating tools which allow us to operate remotely if required. Our phone and computer systems are also 100% flexible and will not be affected.

2) Alarm-Monitoring and Remote Security services should not be disrupted by any short or long-term disruptions by medical delays, economic delays or material shortages. Rather than utilizing a single, local monitoring center which could be severely impacted by a virus. TKS utilizes mirrored response centers with reliability on both coasts: 75,000 sq. ft. facility on the East Coast and a 35,000 sq. ft. full-load capable monitoring center on the West Coast. Every aspect of our technology, infrastructure and operations is multi-redundant to work faultlessly and assure error-free, uninterrupted service.

3) TKS utilizes mostly North American based security equipment, hence we have not experienced the significant delays in material procurement that other Security Companies are currently experiencing with exports from China being potentially delayed. Some of our Server-Based equipment and other security products could possibly be affected, as of now, we have not experienced any delays. We will be sure to update our TKS family, in full transparency, should we expect any delivery concerns.

4) If you are a current or prospective TKS Security Customer, please consider the remote-operating features that are natively programmed into the Security Solutions that we provide. For example, watch your home or business remotely using cameras, turn your alarm on and off, control your buildings heating and lights, lock and unlock your doors – this can all be done while at home or from a remote site. Please contact us if you need a refresher training or access to your system.

5) Finally, be well! Please see the CDC website for some basic tips on how to stay healthy and help keep the virus from spreading unnecessarily. Thank you for choosing TKS Security as you Security Partner, have a wonderful weekend.

Brett Byrnes

Chief Technology Officer 

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